disk harrow

disk harrow
с.-х. дисковая борона

cutout-disk harrow — дисковая борона с вырезными дисками

double-action disk harrow — двухследная дисковая борона

double-gang disk harrow — двухследная дисковая борона

tandem disk harrow — двухследная дисковая борона

weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник

English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "disk harrow" в других словарях:

  • disk harrow — ☆ disk harrow n. a harrow with sharp, revolving circular blades, used to break up soil for sowing: see HARROW1 …   English World dictionary

  • disk harrow — noun a harrow with a series of disks set on edge at an angle • Syn: ↑disc harrow • Hypernyms: ↑harrow …   Useful english dictionary

  • disk harrow — a harrow having a number of sharp edged, concave disks set at such an angle that as the harrow is drawn along the ground they turn the soil, pulverize it, and destroy weeds. [1880 85] * * * …   Universalium

  • disk´like´ — disk «dihsk», noun, verb. –n. 1. a thin, round, flat object shaped like a coin. 2. a round, flat surface, or a surface that seems so: »the sun s disk. 3. a round, flat part in a plant or animal: »The yellow center of a daisy is a disk. 4. Anatomy …   Useful english dictionary

  • disk — [disk] n. [L discus: see DISCUS] 1. a thin, flat, circular thing of any material 2. anything like this in form [the moon s disk] 3. any of the sharp, circular blades of a disk harrow: see HARROW1 4. Anat. a layer of fibrous connective tis …   English World dictionary

  • harrow — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. disk, cultivator, drag; see plow , shovel , tractor . Types of harrows include: disk harrow, Scotch harrow, cultipacker, double action harrow, cutaway harrow, spading harrow. v. 1. [To use a harrow on land] Syn. drag, dig,… …   English dictionary for students

  • disk — disklike, adj. /disk/, n. 1. any thin, flat, circular plate or object. 2. any surface that is flat and round, or seemingly so: the disk of the sun. 3. disc (def. 1). 4. Computers. any of several types of media consisting of thin, round plates of… …   Universalium

  • disk — [[t]dɪsk[/t]] n. 1) any thin, flat, circular plate or object 2) any surface that is flat and round, or seemingly so: the disk of the sun[/ex] 3) hfi disc 1) 4) cmp any of several types of media for storing electronic data consisting of thin round …   From formal English to slang

  • disk — dɪsk n. flat circular object; circular object of covered in magnetic material and used for storing computer data (Computers); central part of a flower head; (Anatomy) flat round cartilage structure in the skeleton of a person or animal… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • disk — I. noun or disc Usage: often attributive Etymology: Latin discus more at dish Date: 1664 1. a. the seemingly flat figure of a celestial body < the solar disk > b. archaic discus …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Harrow (tool) — In agriculture, a set of harrows is an implement for cultivating the surface of the soil. In this way it is distinct in its effect from the plough, which is used for deeper cultivation. They are commonly called harrows (plural) as they are used… …   Wikipedia

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